Friday, July 8, 2011

witch doctors, herbs and government

Quite a combo there-!!!
I went to the naturopathic/herbalist in town today concerning my breathing. I've gone to her before years ago and have always like her. She checked me out, we talked for 2 hours, she made some dietary and herbal recommendations and at the end of the session I shared a bit with her concerning Shandi.
As we talked she asked me where the dad was, I told her. Then she asked his name and I told her. Then she said...God has spoken--seems that Roy came into her life a few days ago via her son and here I am talking to her about Shan.

Then I take all my paperwork to Medicaid. After I got home, my case worker called and I need to find the copy of a deed that I pay taxes far, no go. She also is having me get a paper signed proving that I only work part time at the church.

God is so good to me.

I am off to check out some naturopathic news and learn more about this.

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