Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reply from FGH

Copy of the letter I received on 9/19/11 in reply to my letter/email to FGH dated 9/12/11

Dear Mrs. Reid:
We are in receipt of your email of September 12, regarding the filling for services you received at our hospital on April 27, 2011. The concerns you expressed have been referred to the Director of Patient Accounts. I want to thank you for taking the time to notify us of your concerns. Our mission at FGH is to provide the very best care for each and every one of the patients we serve. This pertains to after discharge as well. We apologize for not meeting your expectations.

Please be assured that your comments have been taken very seriously. Your concerns are currently being reviewed and we anticipate that we should be able to provede you with a written response within the next 30 days.

Again, thank you for contacting us. We appreciate your patience while we investigate your concerns. If you wish to call me, I can be reached at ***-***-****

In the meantime I have received a reimbursement check for 497.00 from FGH for overpayment to my account in an envelope with FGH clearly visible on the return address. The letter I copied above also came in an envelope with FGH's return address and was written on paper with the FGH letterhead.

Sometimes even if the squeaky wheel doesn't get the grease they do get attention.

Character is what we are, not what others think we are.

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