Saturday, June 6, 2009

this and that

Around here, we're finally getting the roof done from Katrina. The patio is fixed and the felt it down. The shingles are off the house except for a patch near the satellite dish. Hopefully by this time next weekend, I can say the roof is done. Poor Terry is doing it all alone, so it will take a while; unless some angel comes along to help him out. I have to tend the nursery and water.

The gardenias are blooming their hearts out and perfuming the yard up, almost to the point of being a bit much for my poor allergies; but they do smell so good. I have much weeding and pruning to do still but will get back on that once the roof is done.

I'm excited about the roof. It's a job I've dreaded having done for a while now. I've also let the patio get it terrible disarray due to the roof being messed up--but Terry was hurt the next year and we couldn't fix it; last year and the year before we just stayed so busy and then he worked with the county--so it wasn't done. And they may call him to work with them starting Monday--but maybe the felt will be one the house and then he can work in the evenings when he comes in. I may can have the watering done and help him too. I just have a tendency to overshoot the roofing nailer and shoot out 2 or 3 nails at a time. :D Maybe I can just position the shingles this time.

Ana is spending a week--supposedly with her friend, Brigette. Brigette stayed with us all last week and attended Bible School. They got along really well and only argued twice, which is great I think. Brigette is a pleasant child to be around so it wasn't any problem.

Mother is still about the movement in her legs. She has 20 more days that Medicare will pay for her stay in the rehab, then she will have to go home or what? I don't know. I haven't heard them say; pay herself I guess.

I've a good church friend who has something that sounds like mylodsyplasia......her white count is way low. It isn't leukemia yet, but if they can't find a treatment then it will turn into leukemia. Her white count is too low for chemo, her spleen is swollen and they can't do the hormone treatment that is sometimes used for this.

My neighbor has a breast removed last Wednesday and was home on Thursday. We don't know the final result of the testing as to whether she will have to have radiation and chemo or not.

Terry and I are doing fine, just tired

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