Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Last week's capsule

Well I don't know where the week or really what I did, but poof...it was the weekend. Oh yeah; trips to McComb to replace Shandi's glasses that broke yet again; trips to town to put money in the bank and pick up window panes; Al-anon, church, doing the financial statement and normal every day chores.

I bought the stuff to make washing detergent. Info was that it works as well as any of the stuff we buy already made and the cost is far below the other. I spent 24.00, more or less on the ingredients. One soap it called for I couldn't find so I substituted. Later I learn it will work but not as well. 

Wednesday I mixed it all up which included grating the one type of bar soap. Apparently somewhere along the line I inhaled a bit too much of the stuff because today, almost a week later, I can still taste the soap. I works though and the taste is slowly going away but I can surely tell I have exposed my lungs to something I should not have exposed them to. next time, I will remember the mask or let someone else mix the stuff up IF it turns out to be as $ saving as it is reputed to be. I need to save all the pennies I can.

Friday night we met with my sister, brother and their families at Stogners for fish and gift exchange. Sitting next to us was the youth group from the church...12 kids and the 2 adults. We had a good time, got nice gifts and later helped the young folks back at the church to play dirty santa.

Saturday night we had our meet and greet with our prospective pastor, Keven Newsome, DeAnna his wife and son, Aaron and daughter, Sara. Lots of food, wonderful turn out, and great fellowship. He handled the people's questions well and all seem to have a good time.

Sunday he preached his trial sermon following special music by Pat. He preached from Numbers 14 and following on the 'Wilderness Experience' and why we have wilderness experiences.
1..to teach us lessons about how to relate to God and others. We won't move until our lesson is learned.
2. Cleanse us from things holding us back...habits, attitudes, etc.
3. To see God...God will show himself in the wilderness. We won't ever be alone
4. To test our faith...can we trust God to take us through the wilderness
5. To prepare our path...the direction God wants us to go
6.To repeat a lesson already given...a reminder of our calling, a getting us on the right path again.

After his sermon we voted and all but 1 person voted yes. I haven't a clue who voted no. Possibly a child. I noticed Shandi started to vote no. I know she didn't understand the ballot so I read it to her...yes, we want him; no, we don't. She then marked yes. Anyway, he will begin the 16th, but won't move to the parsonage until after Christmas due to his school and work at the seminary. We are all very excited about our new pastor and his family.

One way to become enthusiastic is to look for the plus sign. To make progress in any difficult situation, you have to start with what's right about it and build on that.
-- Norman Vincent Peale

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