Wednesday, September 5, 2012

after Isaac

We have the shade cloth back on the two houses and I have picked up some limbs. I bought thread and tapestry needles to sew the shade cloth back together over the west shade area, but that chore will wait until it cools off. I ordered the plastic for the two greenhouses I will cover for winter.

Of course my normal driver was on vacation. Around 2 a call came in asking where I was. I asked where he was and he said Plunketts...some 10 miles north of me. I said to him to leave Plunketts and come through Sartinville, which is a store on the right and a church on the right..that is crossroad #1, about 3 miles down the road is another crossroad with a church in progress on the right with only black tar paper on it...that is #2...about a mile and half on down the Hwy is crossroad #3 and he was to take a left and I am 1/2 mile on the left.

An hour later he calls again. I am in Tylertown, where are you. Grrrrr...I am where I was when you called an hour ago. 10 miles north of Tylertown. If my regular driver is on next week, just take my plastic back to Jackson and let him deliver. But nothing do him but deliver north on 27. When you pass Salem community which is a store, school and church, come to the 1st crossroad and take a right. Ok, he says, come to the 1st right ...NO, I say, the 1st crossroad...I tell you what, when you pass Salem, come 3 miles to the 2nd right..

Oh my, believe it or not, he finally got here. He tells me he is from New Orleans and is looking for large intersections. I crack up laughing and tell him he is in the country, there are NO large intersections, just crossroads.!!!!!!!

Yesterday I was in town rambling around in the dollar store. About every other aisle I went down there was this slender blonde with a heavy set older woman. Finally about the time we were both done shopping, we bump into each other again and she says...what is your name. I tell her and she looks at me funny. I give her my maiden name and she says her maiden name and YES, it was a dear sweet girl I had gone to school with until 9th grade at which time she moved to the school in town. We chatted and promised to get together when she comes back down. I was so glad to connect with her.

Today it was help ex-SIL make copies of his credentials so he can get another job as he got fired from the one he had. I don't know why, isn't my business. Then it was church and nominating committee meetings and working on the 2013 budget for the church. there is always something to keep me occupied.

The only thing that is the end of the world--IS the end of the world

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