She is a troubled child. Can't depend on her for sure. Told me last night she was going to Columbia-17 miles east-to pay her cell phone and washer bill first thing this morning. Around 8:30 she comes up here to tell me the phones are off and as soon as she gets ready she is going to pay them, to use AnnaD's number if I need her. She leaves and an hour or so later the truck stops in front of the store headed west toward Hwy 27, opposite of Columbia. In between leaving the store and stopping back by Robby called looking for her so I tell him what she tells me.
AnnaD gets out, gets 3 drinks and babbles about oh here are her shoes she has been hunting, I see James in the back seat of the truck but only Anna D gets out. I don't ask where they are headed because I figure they will turn around and head toward Columbia.
The don't. They drive away in the opposite direction.
A half hour later or so Robby calls back, asking have I heard from her. I tell him what I know and have seen at which point when I say they left headed toward the west he says, AnnaD talked her mom into taking her to McComb, 25 miles west, to see that boy. What boy, I don't know.
I say, oh, ok. Well that's stupid to drive 25 miles to one town, then 25 + 17 miles the other direction to pay your bills all because of a want not a need.
Robby agreed and we got off the phone. I sent a text to AnnaD's phone but haven't received an answer.
In three words I can sum up everything
I've learned about life:
It goes on.
--Robert Frost
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