I have told each of these people on the hill to find them a job--I even took TA to the employment office with me yesterday when I took a resume down there for Stacie and I. There is a job opening in Foxworth for an office clerk and we both applied for it.
Robby is in Tickfaw taking an OSHA test and then supposedly leaving for Oklahoma to work with the crew he went with back after the tornadoes that hit up north. CJ's husband, Brian is filling out his app and taking his drug test so he will hopefully get to leave out Monday, if not today.
I don't know what kind of job TA will get but I told her the other day that I wasn't turning the nursery over to anyone. If Terry gets to work full time with the county I will either downsize or close the doors if I can find me a job in a controlled environment. I cannot depend on her to be here or do what needs to be done in a timely fashion.
CJ and Brian have been so far the best toward being of help--CJ helps water even with bruised ribs, helps cooks and cleans. BJ is up here every day, changing sprinklers, weeding, doing whatever I give him to do. He helped mow the church yard and Terry gave him his share of the money yesterday since he was going to put in for this job Robby helped him with. He told Terry we didn't owe him anything because we were providing the roof over his head...they stay at Stacie's but it's our house and no one pays rent.
Stacie can't get unemployment until a doctor releases her for work...because she was honest and stated on her weekly app that she was not able to work last week. She sure got pissed for being punished for being honest. Roy hasn't paid child support in over a month and even has requested a review of his child support payments. I wrote the letter to Child Support services for Stacie stating why I thought the amount paid didn't need to be changed unless their father was wishing to give them a cost of living increase...LOL.
AnnaD has been sick all week with what the ER doc called a sinus infection, but since she still feels horrible she thinks she is still sick. I keep telling her that sinus infections make you want to die you feel so bad.
They are wearing the thermometer out checking her temp now that she is on antibiotic...which is funny to me. The whole time before going to the doctor when her head was splitting they never checked her temp. Now she is on meds, they check it several times a day.
People are so funny!!!
I need to ask/tell you something in the strictest of confidence. Regina came by yesterday and told me that Anastasia told Sky she didn't love her Wednesday night and rolled her eyes at Regina. Seems Ana was telling Elizabeth and Savannah she loved them but then looked at Sky and said, I don't love you though.
Regina said that Casey (CJ's daughter) said to sky, but I love you. Regina led me to believe that she was standing right there and heard and saw all this.
So, when the girls came in I asked them about it. Casey said she couldn't figure out how Regina saw or heard any of the conversation since Regina wasn't close to them at all and there was a lot of youngun noise going on. She said what actually was said was Ana was telling Elizabeth and Savannah how much she loved them and missed them and Sky ran up and said something snarky to Ana and Ana says, whatever and rolled her eyes at Sky. I talked to the girls separately so they couldn't 'get their story straight' and Casey is prone to always tell it like it is even if it is her friend. She doesn't sugar coat anything.
So then I asked Ana and she said virtually the same thing with the addition of this--As mean as Sky was to my sister last year on the bus, I don't have anything for her but I did not say anything hateful to her.
So..here I sit knowing it would only make matters worse to take the girls to Regina and have them deny what she told me. Yet, I don't feel right having Ana apologize for something she didn't do. I was ready to punish her and make her apologize to both Regina and Sky, but Casey said she did not say that to the child. I do not believe that Ana or Shandi is beyond being little snits. I know they can be. I know Ana could have said that and been joking too because they all do it to each other.
Regina also said that Ana had yelled at Sky in the lunch room to go away and stay away from them (Ana and AnnaD) according to the woman who takes up the money in the lunch room, Robbie Puder. According to Regina, Sky had gone up to talk to AnnaD. Anna D has no recollection of this happening. Casey said Sky came up to her and Ana in the lunch room one day and other than telling Sky they couldn't sit together because it's the rules, Ana didn't say anything to her.
I hate this kind of stuff. I hate it with a passion.
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