I've been sitting here this evening , well not sitting exactly, we have 5th Sunday night which includes singing and finger foods, so I've baked a cake and a chocolate pie to take--but while I worked I pondered a few things.
Robby drinks and smokes cigs and pot from time to time and harder stuff at various times in his life.
TA smokes cigs but doesn't drink often or much when she does. However, due to accidents from the past she takes some narcotic pain pills--I don't know what they are other than one is neurotin. She has a pain management doctor she sees monthly so she must be on some powerful stuff???
Anyway, I observe a lot when I'm not bitching and here is what I have noticed. She doesn't have a prescription for any breathing treatments but her son, James does. Occasionally she will use his inhaler or his nebulizer so she can breathe, so she says. She drinks coffee from morning till night and those energy drinks and just a while ago she came over and got a B12 because she just didn't have any energy. I asked, quite innocently if they worked immediately for her. She answered that within an hour she noticed a difference. I laughed and said that either I was hard core or it was all in her head because I took them regularly and I couldn't tell any difference.
Now, I never thought about this much until the doc put me on the extra inhaler plus the nebulizer with a med combo. Immediately, even while taking the nebulizer treatment, I get a head rush, a little bit of blurred vision and heart racing effect and have the nervous shakes for a while. I am told these effects will subside or I will adjust to them and it beats the heck out of not having breath to live on....but if TA consumes all this caffeine, on top of narcotic pain killers, plus on occasion uses a breathing treatment and takes B12 for energy, is it possible she is addicted to the rush she gets from the extra caffeine in the energy drinks (they make her nervous) and the rush she gets from the nebulizer (albuterol )
I still haven't figured it all out but it's certainly looking like she is as addicted to her 'drugs of choice' as Robby is his.
Now, after church tonight I had this strange voicemail on my phone. Best I could tell it was from TA and she was talking on and on about some horse Dana, a friend of Robby's has--actually something about 4 horses. I couldn't understand her well, but I will certainly ask her about this horse business. I will have to say no to any more horses until they have their own place and are paying their own way. Geez!!!
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