Monday, October 27, 2008
Trunk or Treat
There was so much devestation following Katrina, that several of the churchs in the area decided to have people come to the church in their cars and trucks, with their candy in the trunk or on the back of the truck. They park, open up their trunks, some set up decorations and such, and the kids come and walk around the parking lot visiting each vehicle where they are given their treats.
It's so cool. A church about 5 miles from here has a really good one each fall--we drive down, park in the parking area, get out, walk around the area designated for the treating and, once around, we get in our car and drive home. No cruising the subdivisions, no wondering who has treats and who doesn't, no wasted gas, no slow driving, no getting in and out of the car.
The church below us where the girls go on Wednesday nites for GA's, is having one after GA's, Wednesday. It won't have the traffic that Union Church does, but it is mainly for the children who attend on Wednesday nite, and there are about 20 or so of them.
So no, it's not a's a really neat and simple way to trick or treat. I love it because I know all the folks participating so I can visit a bit while the girls are filling up their container with they really need them.
I'll get some pics of the girls up after Friday. Ana got a red devil dress, Shan got this awesome coppery colored fairy dress and Stacie is dressing up as a cat. I haven't decided if I want to go to the effort to dress up----hmmm......maybe I flower? or a wrinkled old woman.....oh, I wouldn't have to work hard for that one!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
The coast trip
The girls had been wanting to visit their great grandmother, and this seemed like a good time to carry them.
The girls enjoyed the trip and it was good to visit with mother, but I was a bit .....hmm.....not ticked off, nor were my feelings hurt--disappointed I guess is what I felt. The girls or I have not been down there since Christmas. We hurried and finished watering and waiting on customers and finally left a bit after 5, and other than stopping for gas we drove straight down. We knew they wouldn't wait to eat supper, because Robert, Judy's husband has to eat by 6, he thinks. However, Judy had decided to fry fish and had the trimmings--french fries, hushpuppies, cole slaw and baked beans...all cold as an ice cube. I don't eat cold fish and can't stand a cold french fry, so I didn't eat anything other than the cole slaw. I would have thought they would have fixed something that would either hold, or could be warmed up.
But, it's to be expected. Judy is not dealing with the 'burden' of helping mother and being retired due to her eye sight well. She's always love to play slots and seems to be getting deeper and deeper into that...even running up a credit card debt to fund her addiction. According to Robert, he had close to 100,000.00 in a box under his bed, money he made hauling cars to car lots. He says Judy took around 90,000 of it over time and gambled it away. Whether it was that much, I don't know. I just know he says if he wasn't so old and wouldn't lose his home, he'd divorce her. She's changed so much since the casinos came to the coast. She's never been a real easy person to get to know--but she's even worse now. I hate to see where things may end up.
It was especially disturbing to discover that mother has given Judy a checkbook, and I think an ATM card. Beth and I were trying to find out how closely mother checks her bank statement, but seems she trusts Judy, so she probably wouldn't notice any discrepancies. Lord, I hope Judy wouldn't do mother that way.
The Ballgame
I enjoy going to the games and watching her do her thing. I also enjoy sitting at the sweet table, where various mom's bring baked goods to sale, to raise extra money for the girls and their various needs.
I also enjoy watching people at these events, and even interacting with them, although some of them can be a pain.
When we arrived Saturday morning, the head sponsor drove up right behind me. Seems we didn't have anyone to work the gate, where we charge 1.00 a head for all who are football players or cheerleaders. Sponsors, coachs and refs get in free too. Melissa took the sweet table, set it up and put Ana in charge of that since she didn't cheer until 12:45, and it was only 9:00, she put me at the gate.
Normally there is a young girl, around the age of 12 working the gate. She lets some slide by without paying, I'm sure. Possibly due to her age, she's reluctant to stop an adult and insist that they pay.
Such was the case with the family of 4, bringing their daughter to cheer. As they proceeded past the table, I spoke up to say: "There's a 1.00 a head charge to get in."
The lady said she had never paid to get in before.
"Yep," I said, "I'm sure you haven't. There's been a youngster working the gate and they don't always catch everyone."
"I paid 85.00 to sign her up to cheer, I shouldn't have to pay to get in." Mom retorted.
"I paid the same 85.00, I pay to get in, and besides that, I give my time to work the gate and the sweet table. It's a 1.00 a head to get in."
"What do they do with the money?" mom wanted to know.
"It's used to fund the extra expenses of the league. Turning on lights for practice, buying refreshments for them after a game, paying for the trophies they get at the end of the season, and various other expenses." I explained.
They coughed up the 3.00 and went on in.
The deputy standing nearby making sure people didn't block the drive shook his head and wondered why people were the way they were.
Later on I watched a young mother get really angry with her 2 year old who wanted the food she had bought for herself. The baby was just toddling around and mom handed her the bowl of fritos and chilli and threatened to beat her butt if she dropped it. There was a younger baby reaching for the bowl and I just knew she would cause the older child to drop it, but thankfully mom rescued it before that happened.
People are so interesting to me. I could watch them for hours.....or listen to them.
Later that evening a sister to the sponsor came up to watch her son play ball. Now J has had some problems through the years, has lost a child and life doesn't always go right for her. But life doesn't always go right for any of us.
She stood right next to me, talking on her cell phone and said, "I get mine the 3rd and I can fix you up with plenty then, along with some pain pills." She said some other things but I failed to catch that, then she walked away.
Her sister said, "It's so embarrassing. She was just standing there talking about dealing drugs where you could hear it."
"Yep," I replied, "for all she knew I was a narc agent."
Like I said, folks are just so interesting.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sneaky snakes
I then started to help him with this job. I carefully picked up the first pot of caladiums, called myself looking at it closely, reached down to the soil line to twist the tops of the plant off and out jumped another one of those little babies. I screamed, tossed the pot one way, the snake with the other and I went another.
Finally Terry found it and took it out of it's misery.
Wow, 2 snakes in less than an hour is a record, even around a nursery.
I've helped him some more today, but not without more carefully examining what I am touching, what is underneath the pot and even turning the pot upside down in a tray before working the bulb out of the soil.
More on Shan
So she will always be lacking in academics. My goal is to find the right structure of help aids that will aid her in learning all she is capable of learning.
I am not going with the mindset of: ok, she's mildly retarded, lets dont' expect much.
Instead, my mindset is this: ok, so she isn't the brightest chip off the block--still, if I can find the right method of helping her learn, she will accomplish far more than any set of tests or statistics can predict. It's finding that aid, that help, that method of aiding her in learning that has me scratching my head at times and constantly pushing everyone.
Shandi news
The main difference was that he found her to be Predominently she's ADHD-IP rather than simply ADHD. She still has Defient Disorder, Social Skills are lacking--*I try, but can only do so much*
He did recommend special help in her academics......yeaRah.!!!
This means he at least read my list of things I needed him to focus on.
I had also sent him copies of some of her class room work.
But--this whole 9 weeks the teacher has been working one on one with Shandi. They got report cards today and she had all A's. Her reading A's had a star by them and on the bottom the teacher had written *with special assistence*
She --the teacher--also marked that she was below grade level.
I went yesterday and talked with the director of elementary special ed, one on one, and handed her a copy of Shandi's eval. My next move is to make an appointment with Supt. of Ed and talk with him. I have lots of questions to ask concerning the plans he has for our school district.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
more on forgiveing self
What I found was this:
**I think self forgiveness is just poor language used to express deep guilt or regret. The solution is always the cross - take the focus off of self - let Him reign.
The only way to being set free of the guilt was receiving - really knowing and experiencing - God's forgiveness and love. "Forgiving myself" sounds so inviting and plausible upon first inspection - but it's both impossible, and not required.
The issue is not our involvement in the process - we clearly are (e.g. Hebrews 12:1) - but our definition of "forgiveness". We need His forgiveness, not our own. But for our part we do need to truly accept it in order to receive it. I don't think that process is "self-forgiveness". I think that process is coming into true belief that God has forgiven us (which will take some time, prayer, patience, help from others, and genuine encounter with the person of God).**
A lot of what I have read has pointed out that when we believe in forgiving self, we place ourselves above God, as God is the only one who can forgive us. Still, we are commanded to forgive others, so why is it so far out there to consider forgiving our own selves?
So many people have experienced such trauma, been raised in such sinful homes, abused, neglected, controlled, manipulated, lied to, berated and such--that they grow up with some deep seated issues and some truly twisted thinking. Even though my homelife wasn't the worst, it wasn't what it should have been. I know I am one who grew up with some 'issues' that I had to recognize the source, work through them, accept that, even after becoming a Christian, I often acted based upon my upbringing. I had to rely on asking God for knowledge of His will and the strength to carry that out. He did.
But for me, it truly involved recognizing that == for example==my extreme anger stemmed from parental neglect from my mom and abuse from my father. I had to reach a point of releasing that anger. I know, I really know that God led me in that release, God gave me the steps to take, God took the anger, the pain, the hunger for love--for it was after the steps I took to let go of that anger that I began to grow in the Lord and my attitude improved.
Yet, I still felt guilt over the ways I had yelled at my children, the anger I had displayed toward them. I still felt like an unworthy person, a horrid mother, and worse yet, wondered how could a Christian act the way I had acted prior to my 'cleansing', as I like to call it.
As time went on, I had encountered the phrase, forgive self, and it made sense to me--in the sense that I had to accept that I did what I did because of inner pain; an inner pain that honestly, after salvation, I expected God to remove. He did, but only after I became willing to take the steps to help myself. But I truly expected following salvation, for all my character defects to go 'poof' into the wind. *hahahaha*
It hasn't happened. It has been a process, the working out of my salvation, as it were, the learning Bible doctrine, applying it to my life, living it, learning to trust God for everything. Maybe I initally chose to call my trusting that God has forgiven me of my wrongs, forgiving self. Maybe I was and am wrong in even considering that phrase. However, I knew and know in my heart who my Savior is. I know whom I believe and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him against that day.
I also know that in my own life, my forgiving self had nothing to do with my exalting myself above God. It simply meant that I accepted that I had done wrong in my life, I had accepted Christ as my Savior, confessed my sins, and continue to do so, and I trust that he forgives them.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
forgiving self
When I first read this thread, my first thought was: "hmm, I have been thinking it all wrong.
So, I have prayed about it, pondered it, read all the other replies. I have concluded that for myself and my relationship with the Lord, it worked this way--
While I'd not ever done horrid things prior to being saved, nor have I done horrid things since; I have sinned, as have all of us. Even after salvation, I've commited sins I never thought I'd commit. I've spent time, extended time out of fellowship with God, but when I returned to the Lord, confessed my sins, he forgave them.
My job, as it were, is to believe in, to rest in that forgiveness.
Most days this isn't a problem. But from time to time, out of seemingly nowhere, comes a memory, a visual, a thought of a sin I've committed.
My first thoughts are--where did that come from? Why did I think of that?
I've even re-confessed the sin--but even in doing that, I fear that isn't the thing to do. I've already confessed it, God forgave it--isn't confessing an already confessed sin basically saying, "God, I doubt you forgave me the first time?" Would that not be similar or the same as crucifying the Son of God afresh?
When these thoughts hit, I do have a pang of guilt; a few moments of grief, as it were, over the very memory of what I have done in the past.
Then I remind myself that God is faithful and just to forgive my sins, if I confess, and I have. Also,I no longer commit these particular sins.
I am not usually prone to dwell on the past, so these moments of memory are brief. However, one thing that has helped me considerably in this problem area is Romans 8:1 there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.
Another thing that has helped me a lot is that God sees me as who I am in Jesus--not who I see myself as a lot of days.
Now--for me, learning, believing and walking in the truth that God is faithful to forgive my sins, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and I really am a new creature boiled down to what I'd term 'forgiving myself'. I had to accept the truth that I was not little Ms. Perfect, like I wanted everyone to believe. I accepted/believed the truth that we all 'have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God'. But more importantly, I accepted, believed and walked in the truth that-Yes, I believe Jesus is the son of God, He lived a perfect life, died on the cross for my sins, rose from the grave and now sits at the right hand of the Father--and that makes me a child of God, joint heir with Christ.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Robby came out again today. He finished mowing the yard and when Terry came in from work we covered 2 greenhouses. We've never covered 2 in one day, but we've never had sufficient help. Stacie was off, so with her, Robby, myself and Terry, and Paula handing us the wire, we got 2 covered. Now we only have to pull the plastic on #5 and fasten it down and we'll have that job done. Whooppeee!!!!!!!
I'm in an online group for Bible study. So far, I've not found a lot of Bible study in it, but it's educational. Most of the fellows are preachers; and it's a really good glimpse into the truth that preachers are people, just like us. They argue, they are rude, they are even downright ugly. They are control freaks, opinionated, and petty.
There's a member with whom several of the others have an issue with--seems he, according to them--always tries to stir up trouble. Maybe he does, although I haven't read him doing any more than they do. These members have blocked his email, so they don't have to read his posts. He'll make a new ID, post and they catch on and confront him about it. They tell him they have him blocked. They tell him they find to be a pain in the rear. Today, someone in the group even put up a poll asking members to vote on whether to let him stay, kick him out immediately, kick 2 that had posted against him out, tell those 2 to grow up, or shoot them all.
Surely this poll was done in fun, but it doesn't sound fun to me. It sounds rude, demeaning and unchristian like behavior.
This is especially relevant when the unliked member posts today that he's been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Maybe this is true, and maybe it's a ruse of his to garner favor and sympathy. Maybe he did this to cause the hecklers to feel really bad. If this is the case, then I pray that God convict him of his behavior. But I also pray that God convict the others of their behavior also.
I simply don't post in there for this reason. What's to say I won't rub one of them the wrong way and they begin to attack me. I don't know enough about the Bible to defend some of my beliefs, and I don't do well in confrontations.
Then again, maybe it would be good practice?
The other thing that is bugging me tonight is people's tendency to not answer telephones. I've agreed to call the mother's of my granddaughter's cheer team to let them know of pictures being taken tomorrow. There are 2 ladies on my list that I've called 3 times and still don't get an answer. I get voice mail on one and have left the message. The other one I get answer, no voice mail, nothing. Her's is a cell phone number and I even sent a text message.....still nothing.
Sure can't reach through the phone and slap 'em up side the face!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Just stuff
He wants to come help us with covering the greenhouses. We'll see how things go. I'm letting Terry make that decision.
Terry worked with the county today. I spent most of the day on the phone. I enjoyed the talking, but hate days when I don't accomplish anything. Ana went home with a friend this evening, so Shandi and I came home. While Shandi studied her questions for reading, I put on a pot of chilli and mixed up some brownie mix to have for making brownies to sell for the cheerleaders.
When supper was ready I told Shandi what we were having--frito pie. What's that, she wanted to know. It's fritos with chilli poured over it. Oh, I like chilli and fritos, she said. So I fixed her a bowl and when I put it in front of her, she says, "But momo, where's the pie?"
I heard from my brother today. Seems he's been having chest pains so he went to the doctor. He has COPD and needs to quit smoking. I have it too and need to quit smoking. God help us both. I've tried and haven't succeeded yet. Maybe the next time I make up my mind to quit will the right time.
I took the girls to Salem church tonight. They have an active GA group of girls. Another grandmother from our home church also took her granddaughter, so it was nice to have a home person at a non-home church with me. Salem should be as much home to me as Magee's Creek. I know almost every person there; but I don't go often so I feel odd. We were cordially welcomed and told to come anytime; which we will as long as the girls are involved in GA's.
The preacher doesn't drone on and on. He opens with a short prayer, gives a short devotion, then opens the floor for prayer requests. After these are mentioned, he starts the prayer, encourages any who wishes to, to pray, and asks a specific person to close the prayer time. Their prayer meeting starts at 6:30 and was over at 7, promptly. Such a far cry from ours. We start at 7, sing 2 hymns, have 30-45 minutes of prayer requests, signing cards to send, praying for the people individually; then the preacher asks for blessing reports, prays about 10 minutes, gives a 10-15 minute devotion and closes with another 10 minute prayer. It's anywhere from 10 past to 20 past 8 when we are done. Then it's gather up the girls, get them home, try to calm them down, give them a snack and get them to bed.
I really like Salem's method of doing it.
I caught a bit of the evening news today. The part I caught was some replay of the debate they had last night, I suppose. All I heard was Obama and McCain, Biden and Palin pointing the finger at each other. They all sounded like a bunch of children, yay-yaying at each other. Sarcasm was used on some of the constituents who asked questions. It's a joke, if you ask me. Every where I look during election years, candidates are running down each other.
I have a tendency to distrust any negative messages against a candidate, for I feel that any kind of dirt can be glamorized and blown out of porportion in order to make the initiator look good and his opponent look bad. Why can't politicians run on their own merit and not run each other down?
I suppose that's too much to ask.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Shan-Roo and Robby
I should have known something was up when Robby texted me this morning asking what his dad was doing. I answered back that we were trying to get ready to put plastic on a greenhouse. He said he'd talk with him later.
Then I forgot about it and went to work. I had a lot to do since I was leaving early to take Shan to her doctor's appointment.
While picking Shan up from school the teacher told me about Shandi not wanting to put away her unfinished math page to start on language. She said she finally got Shan to work on some of the language problems, but not before Shan had pulled her math out to work on it again. When I talked with her this evening about it, she did say she liked math better than language. So maybe because she can do the math and she struggles with language, she would rather do math.
Just as we arrived at the clinic this evening my phone alerted me to text message. I didn't recognize the number, and the message was "what you doing". I replied back that I was taking to the doc. I was asked if she was sick and I replied that it was for a checkup, and who is this.
"Boo" was the answer I got. Boo is the nickname for Paula, one of Robby's first girlfriends, way back when he was still a teenager. Then I get the message that says "Robby says hi". So I say hi back then Robby there? The answer I received was NOT what I wanted to read. Yes, this is Robby and I've been here a couple of days. Seems according to Robby his boss is in trouble money wise and Robby needed to get out of the area they were working. He got Paula to come get him.
We sign in to see the doctor. The waiting room is full and knowing that we were to finish up Dr. Charles day, I wonder how late does he stay. Big kids, little kids, quiet kids, screaming kids, yelling parents, popping kid was mayhem in there. After about 30 minutes Shan says the noise is so loud she is getting a headache. I suggested she close her eyes and tune the noise out...which she does.
Our appointment was at 4 and finally at 5:45 we see Dr. Charles. Her urine culture didn't grow anything. This is good because it means her body hasn't become resistent to the antibiotic. Still, with the kidney deflux, he would prefer having the test done to check things out, as would I. So he writes up that order and we will receive a phone call concerning the date later.
Then we talk about Shandi. He still hasn't gotten the recent evaluation from Dr. Jolly. He askes lots of questions about her school work, what help is she getting, and how is her behavior. He believes that medication isn't the answer for Shan, instead she needs help in school-tutoring, special ed, whatever it takes. Still he won't take her off her meds right now.
He told me to keep doing what I was doing school wise--pushing for help. He also said that if the school needed to talk with him, have them call him.
I believe I will contact the SPED contact at school and see if she will call him, or should I call and ask for an evaluation from him. Still, I would rather see the report from Dr. Jolly myself first, which should be coming in any day.
We go back to see Dr. Charles in 2 months. For refills, rather than seeing him monthly, we can call for the prescription and then stop by and pick it up, which is very convenient for us.Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Wednesday nites is a hard one for me to attend. It starts at 7 and ends sometime after 8. I usually have the girls to get to bed at a reasonable hour for church. So, I hadn't always gone, until this year when I started in hopes of the girls being involved in something they enjoyed on Wednesday nites.
Well, it would be fine and good--but the preacher can't stop at 8. He kept us until 8:15 tonight. This is rough on the teachers and the kids. The teachers plan for an hour session. When the hour is up, they are usually through with the class. The kids have nothing to do, so they often get noisy and antsy.
I get antsy and lose track of what he's saying.
I'm praying about what to do. One teacher said someone needed to say something to him. I guess she meant a parent. I'm debating saying something myself. Either that, or next Wednesday I will sit on the side of the church, in a pew closest to the wall that faces the door which leads back to the children's unit. At precisely 8, if the preacher is still rattling on, I"ll simply get up and go collect my children and take them home.
His devotion is usually pretty good. The prayer requests we do first are informative. The cards we sign and send are very welcome by those who are ill or going through a loss. The main problem is that the preacher prays a sermon. He not only prays one prior to the devotion, he prays one following the devotion. Add to that, the leader of the songs prays one of his own before we sing and we have a long prayer session. There are only so many prayers that will fit in an hour.
Lord, I don't mean to be disrespectful. I don't mean to be mean and ugly toward these two men who are doing their best to serve their Lord. But I've studied the Bible and I understand the teaching on prayer to be this: public prayer should be short and sweet. The long prayers are best done in privacy.
Maybe I'm just opinionated and want things my way. I truly don't mean to come across as dissing the preacher--but facts are facts and these are the facts.
Well I have until next Wednesday to make a choice as to how I will handle this situation.
Duct Tape

When my nephew was a kid and a toy broke, he always wanted the tape to tape it back together. His brother always wanted to staple his toys together.
There's a joke floating around that says anything that is broken can be fixed with duct tape or baling twine.
Today, the school my grands attend had duct tape day. It's a week long event, whereby each day they dress up in some specific style to celebrate the spirit of homecoming. Doesn't make sense to me, but it's fun to help them dress up all goofy.
I bought a roll of pink duct tape and we taped their shirts and pants, as well as their booksacks. We signed their tape and Ana, the oldest had all her friends at school, including a teacher, autograph hers. She said it was a fun day.
Tomorrow they go as the wounded--kinda the way many folks with money tied up in Wall street are feeling right now.