forgiveing self.
When I first read this thread, my first thought was: "hmm, I have been thinking it all wrong.
So, I have prayed about it, pondered it, read all the other replies. I have concluded that for myself and my relationship with the Lord, it worked this way--
While I'd not ever done horrid things prior to being saved, nor have I done horrid things since; I have sinned, as have all of us. Even after salvation, I've commited sins I never thought I'd commit. I've spent time, extended time out of fellowship with God, but when I returned to the Lord, confessed my sins, he forgave them.
My job, as it were, is to believe in, to rest in that forgiveness.
Most days this isn't a problem. But from time to time, out of seemingly nowhere, comes a memory, a visual, a thought of a sin I've committed.
My first thoughts are--where did that come from? Why did I think of that?
I've even re-confessed the sin--but even in doing that, I fear that isn't the thing to do. I've already confessed it, God forgave it--isn't confessing an already confessed sin basically saying, "God, I doubt you forgave me the first time?" Would that not be similar or the same as crucifying the Son of God afresh?
When these thoughts hit, I do have a pang of guilt; a few moments of grief, as it were, over the very memory of what I have done in the past.
Then I remind myself that God is faithful and just to forgive my sins, if I confess, and I have. Also,I no longer commit these particular sins.
I am not usually prone to dwell on the past, so these moments of memory are brief. However, one thing that has helped me considerably in this problem area is Romans 8:1 there is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.
Another thing that has helped me a lot is that God sees me as who I am in Jesus--not who I see myself as a lot of days.
Now--for me, learning, believing and walking in the truth that God is faithful to forgive my sins, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, and I really am a new creature boiled down to what I'd term 'forgiving myself'. I had to accept the truth that I was not little Ms. Perfect, like I wanted everyone to believe. I accepted/believed the truth that we all 'have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God'. But more importantly, I accepted, believed and walked in the truth that-Yes, I believe Jesus is the son of God, He lived a perfect life, died on the cross for my sins, rose from the grave and now sits at the right hand of the Father--and that makes me a child of God, joint heir with Christ.
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