Friday, October 10, 2008


Rather a misleading title, but it's what this post is about: houses and Christians. Sure, there will probably be other stuff in there too. That's me.

Robby came out again today. He finished mowing the yard and when Terry came in from work we covered 2 greenhouses. We've never covered 2 in one day, but we've never had sufficient help. Stacie was off, so with her, Robby, myself and Terry, and Paula handing us the wire, we got 2 covered. Now we only have to pull the plastic on #5 and fasten it down and we'll have that job done. Whooppeee!!!!!!!

I'm in an online group for Bible study. So far, I've not found a lot of Bible study in it, but it's educational. Most of the fellows are preachers; and it's a really good glimpse into the truth that preachers are people, just like us. They argue, they are rude, they are even downright ugly. They are control freaks, opinionated, and petty.

There's a member with whom several of the others have an issue with--seems he, according to them--always tries to stir up trouble. Maybe he does, although I haven't read him doing any more than they do. These members have blocked his email, so they don't have to read his posts. He'll make a new ID, post and they catch on and confront him about it. They tell him they have him blocked. They tell him they find to be a pain in the rear. Today, someone in the group even put up a poll asking members to vote on whether to let him stay, kick him out immediately, kick 2 that had posted against him out, tell those 2 to grow up, or shoot them all.

Surely this poll was done in fun, but it doesn't sound fun to me. It sounds rude, demeaning and unchristian like behavior.

This is especially relevant when the unliked member posts today that he's been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Maybe this is true, and maybe it's a ruse of his to garner favor and sympathy. Maybe he did this to cause the hecklers to feel really bad. If this is the case, then I pray that God convict him of his behavior. But I also pray that God convict the others of their behavior also.

I simply don't post in there for this reason. What's to say I won't rub one of them the wrong way and they begin to attack me. I don't know enough about the Bible to defend some of my beliefs, and I don't do well in confrontations.

Then again, maybe it would be good practice?

The other thing that is bugging me tonight is people's tendency to not answer telephones. I've agreed to call the mother's of my granddaughter's cheer team to let them know of pictures being taken tomorrow. There are 2 ladies on my list that I've called 3 times and still don't get an answer. I get voice mail on one and have left the message. The other one I get answer, no voice mail, nothing. Her's is a cell phone number and I even sent a text message.....still nothing.

Sure can't reach through the phone and slap 'em up side the face!!!!!!!!!!!

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