We finally had our appointment in Jackson with the urologist to discover what the abnormality was/is that showed up on the tests run on her in December.
I was not impressed with the doctor up there at all.
We saw two docs, a young one who possibly was a med student and the old ugly doctor Harman who was about as friendly as a viper.
The young one walks in, asks where is her film, we tell him, he leaves. A few minutes later he walks in and says with no explanation at all:
We recommend doing the balloon procedure again up against doing invasive surgery where we'd go in and repair the problem.
You haven't even told us WHAT the abnormality is dude.....
Oh yes, he replies--she has reflux at 1%. We scale them 1-5 and she's at 1 which indicates the balloon is deteriorating and no longer working. We hoped she'd outgrow this......we? You weren't even here when she had the first procedure done, how can you say WE?
Then he tell us Dr. Harmon will be in a few. Eventually old codger comes in and says ......we'll set up to do the balloon. Turns around and walks out!
Stacie and I just look at each other.
Then a nurse? or some woman walks in with a calendar book and says June is the earliest they can do.
I protest because Shandi will have to stay on the antibiotic until them.
She scrounges around in her handy dandy calendar and finally says.....I think we can work her in May.......how's May 20th?
I was a bit snippy when I said...Ma'am, I suppose we have to take what we can get, now don't we?
We were advised that she'd have to wait because they take the little babies first due to no food or drink after midnight.
She assured me that someone would call prior to the 20th of May to give us a time to be there. BUT, if we haven't heard from them by the week before to call up there. Yeah....I've tried that before and it takes days to actually get to the department you need.
*grins* ok, all you wanted to know was the results!!!!!!!!!!!
But the balloon procedure is really a piece of cake. They put her to sleep, insert a catheter, shoot the chemical compound that makes up the balloon into the catheter...she wakes, potties, keeps some clear liquids down and is sent home.
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