Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday March

I really expected to hear from daughter some today, given she finally staggered down the hill to help mow only the mower battery was deader than a door nail. That's pretty dead, folks.
Nope, no sign of her. I finally sent a text around 5 or 6 letting her know daddy intended to mow in the morning if it wasn't raining. No response.

When I returned from church, I discovered that Hollee was back out spending the weekend with Shan. I pondered if daughter was awake enough to give permission for this. When I saw Shan I asked and she said she turned the light on and asked mom and mom said she reckoned which, according to Shan, is a yes. ROFLMAO when mom wakes, IF she wakes to discover she gave permission for a weekend guest and she isn't even out of the bed. Shan says she sleeps and wakes, sleeps and wakes. I asked if she ever said anything at school about it and she said no...her teacher couldn't really do anything about it.

Then I talked with son and he is planning to come tomorrow. He plans to come and help with the mowing. Bless his heart. Always good as gold when he isn't on drugs. He's a good man.

The 3 C's of life
Choice, chance, change
Make a choice
To take a chance
or life never changes.

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