Today begins our January Bible Study. It is from Luke 19-24 and is on the Passion of Christ. Bro. Bill Miller is teaching this again this year; a wonderful speaker and very knowledgable and has a way of making application. This morning was our introduction. We will have another 2 hour study time tonight and again Mon-Wed.
One way to become enthusiastic is to look for the plus sign. To make progress in any difficult situation, you have to start with what's right about it and build on that.
-- Norman Vincent Peale
This section of Luke begins surrounding our study begins with the Triumphal Entry of Jesus and ends with His ascension. A few verses that speak out to us from this study will be from 19:24-40...where Jesus approached the city of Jerusalem (meaning city of peace) and wept because it was such a disrupted city and he was standing before the people, their deliverer, their saviour, their hope, yet they were blinded and didn't see.
24:13 and following tells the story of how Jesus came upon the 2 men walking on the Emmaeus Road and Jesus comes us besides them and walks and talks with them, telling them of himself..yet scripture tells us their eyes prevented them from recognizing. Later on after telling them all about himself, their eyes opened...are our opened or are they blinded by the world around us and our own personal sins?
Are our minds opened to understand scripture or do we journey through life with blinders on, with limited vision. Do we know Him? Jesus was told to stop telling the people about himself, but He said that even if He did, the rocks would cry out of Him.
One of the things unique to Luke and not the other 3 gospels is an internal introduction. The book is written by Luke to reveal Jesus. The theme is the Son of Man...came to save mankind. Luke is an indepth study of the Passion of Christ.
In V. 28 of Chapter19 Jesus arrives..and as we read on in V.29 Jesus sends his disciples to Bethany, the home of Mary and Martha, and tells them to bring him the cold, if asked the purpose it's because the Lord needs it. Has to be a cold never ridden, as that makes it appropriate for sacred purposes. As we read on, the willingness with which it is given up indicates foreknowledge of Jesus by the owner.
V.36 we read that the people spread their clothes in front of Jesus, this is traditional when kings are presented and signifies a royal procession.
Remember, that Jesus has taught in the area for 3 years, performed miracles and there are tens of thousands of people in Jerusalem during Passover. Here is a 'royal figure, entering a royal city to establish peace...they think earthly peace but it is heavenly peace.
V. 39 He is told to rebuke his disciples as they proclaim Him and Jesus tells the crowd that if the disciples become silent, the rocks would cry out . This is a figurative crying out, providing evident of wrongs done. Abel's blood cried out after Cain slew him, in James the money cries out on behalf of the accused.
V. 41 As Jesus enters the city, he weeks, not just crying, not just shedding a tear, but broken hearted sobbing over Jerusalem's sin condition, the condition of people of Israel, they are in such rebellion.
V.42 Is spoken to Jerusalem, the city of peace, and in essence is they are blinded to what brings real peace.
. 43 the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, the enemy is coming and will hem them in on all sides. The peace (spiritually) that Jesus brings will end the worldly peace they knew. We are called to be totally committed buy many want just access to Him.
In V. 44 the Greek word for time means the opportune time to is the day of salvation. And as for the 'visitation' it is either wrath or it is for the purpose of mercy.
V. 45 he drives out the sellers from the temple, the holiest of places on earth
V. 46 what should have been a house of prayer had failed, it had become the exact opposite...
Now from here in Chapter 19 we jump to chapter 21:29 and following for a fitting metaphor...the parable of the fig tree. A tree with leaves and not fruit is of no value just as the temple with no fruit is of no value. How many Christians, people who claimed to be Christians have no fruit, there fore no value.
Back to Chapter 19:47From the entry in Jerusalem through the visitation is believed by many to be a Sunday...the throwing out of the sellers happened on a Monday prior to Good Friday, and the teaching he did occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday.
V. 48..all the people were attentive, the scribes and pharisees coul d not find a reason to get of him which they desired to do and in
Chpter 20 they question His authority and as He preaches the good news they question Him concerning John the Baptist.
As often happens, Jesus answers a question with a question, but the religious leaders figure all this out and rather than trap themselves they claim to not know the answer. They were being religious politicians as they discussed best how to answer, what to say, what not to say.
In V. 9-16 we have the parable of vinegrowers. this is an example of God's dealing with Israel. The religious leaders rejecting Jesus, spiritual leaders don't to lose the power they have and judgment is passed against Israel and the gospel is given to Paul and the gentiles. The very Jesus they reject will be cornerstone of our faith. Jesus is to one healing and to another judgement.
The church needs to remember who the owner is..we don't own the church. We are the church.
In v. 19 the religious leaders tried to shut him down because he taught against them.
V. 20, they watched him closely hoping to trap him and as they see they can't...
V. 21 they butter him up
V. 22-23 they try to trick him but he sees it and again in
V. 24 answers a question with a question
V. 26..unable to trip him up, they were amazed. He robbed them of their rebuttal. The truth always seems to amaze people.
One way to become enthusiastic is to look for the plus sign. To make progress in any difficult situation, you have to start with what's right about it and build on that.
-- Norman Vincent Peale
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