Then we went and got the bike, Stacie drove it to Robby's and left it since we couldn't get it in the truck. the only damage is the front brake is broken and some cosmetic damage. I think Stacie sustained more damage than the bike. Then we came home, stopping in McComb to pick the girls up some pants for school.
Friday I was in the garden when Stacie came down and proceeded to help me. As we picked she brought up the drug use and stated that at least she wasn't using like she and Garry had used. I simply stated that I wasn't interested in the comparison, one thing led to another and her recreational use was the same as my buying a pack of cigarrettes and smoking was a death wish. Then I dropped the subject.
We finished in the garden and I went to the church to do my work there before Judy and Robert came. Stacie told me to let her know when I got back and she would help me I did; not that I really wanted her help, but it is rather fun watching all this 'suck up' activity. I know full well she thinks that she can be nice to mom, help mom a bit, oh and even pay mom a bit more than normal and mom will cave and believe any lie she tells me.
I don't know what has happened. I don't know if I have grown wiser, or if illness has caused me to be realistic or I am just a bitch...but I don't buy into that stuff today. I have been lied to, used, manipulated, conned, fooled, and otherwise run over and used as a door mat and I am done. Totally done through and through. There isn't a touch of pink on me anywhere. I am like shoe leather. Today I can fully understand why and how people become 'hard' in their old age...they have gone through the mill.
So, yesterday, Friday, she is good as she can be. Helps me cook, is friendly, associates with all of her Uncle Robert offered to drive to La and get her bike. She, her dad, Robert and Ana do that and after they come in she takes off home; coming back around the time she thinks I will be cooking. I am not cooking just yet. She leaves only to send a text down some 30 minutes later asking Ana to bring her a piece of cake and not a small piece of cake. Ana talks Shandi into taking the cake up there. Shandi promptly tells mom next time to make Ana take it and mom one will have to bring me anything from now on, which is how it should be anyway.
Then Shandi wants to eat her pain away and when I suggest she eat the second hamburger minus the bun she won't eat anything else, instead she cries. Bless her little heart. Lord help me because patience is wearing out too.
Sandy, the secretary texts me and someone has misplaced the homecoming bulletins. Insecure that I am, I wrack my brain trying to be sure I haven't moved them and stress for hours until it dawns on me that NO, even if I moved them in the office, I didn't move them OUT of the office. I never mess with anything that belongs to Sandy unless I have to move it out of my way and then I tell her about it. Tomorrow is homecoming at the church and we are all tired--the nominating committee has a short meeting with the current Sunday School director. We pray he will turn down the job so we can find someone else to take his place but I don't see that happening.
And that has been my last few days in a nutshell.
The only thing that is the end of the world--IS the end of the world
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