Stacie was supposed to get a scan of her foot. It still swells, has a lump, hurts, yadda, yadda. They want 500.00 up front which she doesn't have nor do I. The hospital told her they would review her case and if it was medically necessary then the down payment would be waived. When she stopped by going to T-town to get Shandi's meds filled they had not called her back and the scan was scheduled for 1 today.
She sits in the truck and whines about not knowing what she will do since she has no money and they haven't called, CJ and BJ have money but they won't help her...actually pulling the po pitiful me thing that drives me insane. AND I let it this time.
Me-Well hon, I'm sorry as I can be. I just don't have the money.
S-I know, bitch, bitch about what CJ and BJ do and don't do
Me-well hon, only you can do something about that. I don't live up there with ya'll
S-bitch, bitch, bitch some more
Me-Well hon, I'm sorry.
S-Oh, I fell out of the bed this morning. I was sitting there watching TV and working on the computer and the next thing I know I was on the floor.
Me-well, are you ok
Me-well you won't like it, but I think you take too many meds and fell asleep sitting up
S-sticks her tongue out at me; then starts back on how she needs her foot scanned
Me-well hon, all I can tell you to do is start making phone calls, get a job, at least look for a job. Last time I checked I couldn't pull money from my ass. I don't know what ya'll will do shortly because I simply can't keep paying your bills like I've been doing. I know ya'll buy a few groceries but still hon...the money I made in the nursery is down to the last few dollars and I need those to pay the bills for the nursery until spring.
S-I've looked for a job. I will have a job, but CJ and BJ need to do something. Get them down here to help you water or something.
Oh what did she say that for?
Me: why? none of ya'll can do a thing but sit in front of the tv or computer or drive to doctor appts. BJ and you are in a boot, CJ wobbles and can't hold anything; if ya'll aren't asleep, you're on the computer or in the road. Damn, I asked that ya'll sweep and mop my floor for me for Christmas but ya'll couldn't even do that.
S-well don't worry, soon me and my kids will have our own place
Me-and how will you pay for that? You can't even pay an electric bill here. Damn Stacie--if you were paying your bills I wouldn't be bitching.
S-why don't you ever bitch them out?
Me- I do
S-No, it's always me
Me-then get them down here and I will chew ass all over this hill.
So she did and I did.
There was a lot more said but like all the rest it was ugly and hurtful and I don't feel any shame or angst over what I said because when CJ and BJ got down here I said this...
It's a shame as much as I have helped all of you that none of you can even sweep and mop for me. I haven't said a thing that didn't need to be said a long time ago and I think all of you need to grow up and take responsibility for what is yours.
*sigh* Stacie went to town, the couple went up the hill, I went back to watering. Later CJ and BJ came back down and of course they say they try to help Stacie with her meds but they don't have the money. What? They pay no bill at Stacie's with money. They put gas in the truck for their many appointments. They buy smokes. They pay BJ's fines....I ask BJ how much he made and he said 9.00 an hour. He's being paid while off because he was hurt on the job. I said...Paw makes 10.00 and hour right now. Could you pay the utilities for 3 house, the shed and their house on your paycheck?
He said, no.
I said..but ya'll expect us to do it?
Now...if ya'll have made it this far...Pam, the silence in the group is NOT your fault. Seriously. We were sharing and discussing and I questioned a statement and gave me opinion and a member got upset. We can't help that. Just like with the alcoholics in our life and our lack of control over them; so it is with our sober friends. They have choices.
Character is what we are, not what others think we are.
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