I am so upset today. My arch I waited years to buy, then another year to get put up has been damaged. It was damaged by people mowing my yard that want to go wild with a zero turn mower. Possibly son was a guilty party, Anna D also had a part in bending it because she was turned loose on my yard by son Saturday and not only hit the arch, but mowed down a crape myrtle Terry had planted. My goodness, I know that tree was a good 4 foot tall, how can anyone mow over something that large????
I have worked in my yard for almost 40 years and it seems as though every time I turn around someone is tearing up something. Bad enough that the side yard on the other side of the shed looks like a junk yard with all the vans, ugly race cars and junk TA has brought up here, not bad enough I don't have a living room any longer because it's been turned into a junky bedroom, bad enough that I have to sweep daily due to the mud and trash tracked in by people who won't remove their shoes, but now trees are mowed down and arches are destroyed.
Hurts, angers me, disappoints me.
Realistically I know that all of this is simply things, replacable as they are, they still represent part of who I am, years of time, energy, prayer and money.
Takes me back to the years of my youth when thanks to a much younger brother and sister, nothing I had was sacred, nothing was mine, nothing was safe from destructive hands.
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