May 21, according to one man, was to be the end of the world. Well I am still here typing away on my blog, so either the world didn't come to an end, or I, and others in my surrounding area were left behind.
However, for my daughter it was the end of the world in some respects. She lost her job she had held for 5 years at Walmart.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
bad day got worse
There is a saying that one can start their day over at any given moment. I have started mine over several times today and the day only seems to get worse.
Phone rings. It's a woman from church; one that isn't actively involved apart from attending some what regularly and putting her nose in everyone's business. The first thing she asks is have I heard from my tests, so we talk about that a few minutes. Then she asks if anyone has said something at church that hurt Terry's feelings.
I swear, the woman is spastic, she talks like this--I just wondered, you know, if anyone had said anything, that, might, have, well hurt Terry's feelings. You know, I haven't seen him at church.
I replied negative to that question.
Then she says, "Is Terry still a deacon?"
I reply that to my knowledge he is. I haven't seen his dismissal papers yet. (I laughed when I said this)
Well, she says, you know, I just hadn't seen him at church and when a person has a role of leadership he needs to be an example you know. People talk you know.
I ask what do they talk about. She says, "They come to me (yeah right) and say, well I see so and so at certain places but not at church. Looks like if they can go to these other places they can go to church."
I say, "You know this is our busy time. One of us has to be at the nursery watering and tending to customers. Terry comes to Sunday School then leaves to take care of the business. I've been under the weather, so he does all the work, where as used to we would take turns missing church on Sunday."
She agrees that she knows we have the nursery, then she goes off into a spiel about people being around people who drink and being judged by the company they keep. She says that folks do that, you know; why one time her husband was invited somewhere to eat and there was drinking and he was judged because he was around drinking. Why she wouldn't even go to her own daughter's reception due to drinking and cussing going on there.
I say, So you are one of those who judge people by the company they keep." She quickly denies this, but blathers on about people asking her about Terry and finally I say, "Look, if this is going to be a he said, she said, they said attempt to involve me in controversy, then we will end this conversation now."
Oh no, she says, oh no.
Then she asks the 5th time about someone saying something to hurt Terry's feelings and tells me about someone telling her husband that he doesn't know what it's like to be a Baptist or a deacon. At this point I say,"Look, the only problem Terry had he spoke up publically about and if you were at Prayer Meeting you heard it. He stated his opinion and was done with it."
"Well," she says, "I think the preacher ought to be able to preach as long as the Spirit leads."
I say, "I believe the preacher should respect the people he serves and realize they have children who need to get to bed and the teachers don't need to be kept in the rooms with their students over time."
She says, "But he's led of God, so if God is leading him to speak, he should speak."
Well, hon, you don't have kids or grand kids to get home and bathe and get into bed. When it's 8:30 leaving church, it's usually after 10 before we can get them in bed."
"Well most don't go to bed until then anyway." she says.
I reply, "Mine do."
"Well he seems to be the type to work with people", she says, to which I reply-not so much. I ask him to let us out at 8 one night when I had the boys class and it was 8:30 before church dismissed."
Well she then says, "Maybe those children who go to bed early should just stay home."
I said, "So now the children must suffer because the preacher doesn't know when to shut up."
So, if she was seeking fodder to chew on and pass along, then she got some. At this point I don't care.
Phone rings. It's a woman from church; one that isn't actively involved apart from attending some what regularly and putting her nose in everyone's business. The first thing she asks is have I heard from my tests, so we talk about that a few minutes. Then she asks if anyone has said something at church that hurt Terry's feelings.
I swear, the woman is spastic, she talks like this--I just wondered, you know, if anyone had said anything, that, might, have, well hurt Terry's feelings. You know, I haven't seen him at church.
I replied negative to that question.
Then she says, "Is Terry still a deacon?"
I reply that to my knowledge he is. I haven't seen his dismissal papers yet. (I laughed when I said this)
Well, she says, you know, I just hadn't seen him at church and when a person has a role of leadership he needs to be an example you know. People talk you know.
I ask what do they talk about. She says, "They come to me (yeah right) and say, well I see so and so at certain places but not at church. Looks like if they can go to these other places they can go to church."
I say, "You know this is our busy time. One of us has to be at the nursery watering and tending to customers. Terry comes to Sunday School then leaves to take care of the business. I've been under the weather, so he does all the work, where as used to we would take turns missing church on Sunday."
She agrees that she knows we have the nursery, then she goes off into a spiel about people being around people who drink and being judged by the company they keep. She says that folks do that, you know; why one time her husband was invited somewhere to eat and there was drinking and he was judged because he was around drinking. Why she wouldn't even go to her own daughter's reception due to drinking and cussing going on there.
I say, So you are one of those who judge people by the company they keep." She quickly denies this, but blathers on about people asking her about Terry and finally I say, "Look, if this is going to be a he said, she said, they said attempt to involve me in controversy, then we will end this conversation now."
Oh no, she says, oh no.
Then she asks the 5th time about someone saying something to hurt Terry's feelings and tells me about someone telling her husband that he doesn't know what it's like to be a Baptist or a deacon. At this point I say,"Look, the only problem Terry had he spoke up publically about and if you were at Prayer Meeting you heard it. He stated his opinion and was done with it."
"Well," she says, "I think the preacher ought to be able to preach as long as the Spirit leads."
I say, "I believe the preacher should respect the people he serves and realize they have children who need to get to bed and the teachers don't need to be kept in the rooms with their students over time."
She says, "But he's led of God, so if God is leading him to speak, he should speak."
Well, hon, you don't have kids or grand kids to get home and bathe and get into bed. When it's 8:30 leaving church, it's usually after 10 before we can get them in bed."
"Well most don't go to bed until then anyway." she says.
I reply, "Mine do."
"Well he seems to be the type to work with people", she says, to which I reply-not so much. I ask him to let us out at 8 one night when I had the boys class and it was 8:30 before church dismissed."
Well she then says, "Maybe those children who go to bed early should just stay home."
I said, "So now the children must suffer because the preacher doesn't know when to shut up."
So, if she was seeking fodder to chew on and pass along, then she got some. At this point I don't care.
archy smarchy

I am so upset today. My arch I waited years to buy, then another year to get put up has been damaged. It was damaged by people mowing my yard that want to go wild with a zero turn mower. Possibly son was a guilty party, Anna D also had a part in bending it because she was turned loose on my yard by son Saturday and not only hit the arch, but mowed down a crape myrtle Terry had planted. My goodness, I know that tree was a good 4 foot tall, how can anyone mow over something that large????
I have worked in my yard for almost 40 years and it seems as though every time I turn around someone is tearing up something. Bad enough that the side yard on the other side of the shed looks like a junk yard with all the vans, ugly race cars and junk TA has brought up here, not bad enough I don't have a living room any longer because it's been turned into a junky bedroom, bad enough that I have to sweep daily due to the mud and trash tracked in by people who won't remove their shoes, but now trees are mowed down and arches are destroyed.
Hurts, angers me, disappoints me.
Realistically I know that all of this is simply things, replacable as they are, they still represent part of who I am, years of time, energy, prayer and money.
Takes me back to the years of my youth when thanks to a much younger brother and sister, nothing I had was sacred, nothing was mine, nothing was safe from destructive hands.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
catch up maybe
Getting sick in October has been the first of many changes that have occurred in my life.
As I began to recoup from the long illness, son reunited with his first love, whose husband died during the time of my illness. She came to visit during the Thanksgiving holidays. Robby had left his live in and moved into the shed/apt; TA has pretty much been here since. She is in the process of selling her house now, awaiting some money from the death of her mother and a wreck she & her late husband were in, plus getting all of her teeth pulled. Along with all these things, she helps at the nursery.
I continued to struggle along with no breath and no energy until finally my doctor sent me to a pulmonary doctor. Finally, after various tests he determined I have atypical TB, non contagious, but damaging to the lungs nonetheless. I now await word on what treatment will best treat my particular infection.
Stacie has been on a tear with the girls, especially Ana. Ana handled her stress by cutting her arm--not inside the wrist for suicide, but on top for release of pain. Stacie did make Ana an appointment with the local mental health and she had her intake last Tuesday. It was suggested she begin seeing a counselor at the local office in town. I don't know if Stacie has made that appointment or not.
Robby has been out of town working with a clean up crew on the areas affected by the tornadoes. While gone he went out to some bar one night, upset TA and did only he and God knows. On Wednesday I took her to Hammond to her dentist who pulled the remaining 18 teeth she had, plus picked Robby up from the yard--they had come in for a few days. On Thursday they went to TA's to clean up, on Friday they returned to finish the cleaning and to pick up Robby's check. When they came in around 8 Friday night, Robby dropped them--TA and James off, then left saying he was going to a neighbors and then maybe over to the shed. He came in around 3 Saturday morning.
TA chewed him out. When he came to the nursery around 8 Saturday morning he asked if he had any ass left. I said no and you don't need any, you were off in a truck that technically belongs to your aunt, with no license, not to mention not treating your woman right. I do intend to share with him my intentions--if he ever leaves here in any vehicle registered in our name after having drank any beer I will call the law. I choose to not tolerate that behavior any longer. I think he believes because he has moved TA up here, lock, stock and kids, we won't run him off. He needs to change his belief because mom will.
There has been a lot of adjusting here, but for the most part I have handled it. I wish I had more room so things weren't so piled up--example James sleeps on the sofa bed in the living room and it is a mess--but right now there is no other choice. TA will get her own place one day hopefully and they can move out of my digs/living room/etc. They are a lot of help though.
On the up side, we have built a new flower bed, working on cleaning out the existing ones, even cleaned out one that hasn't been cleaned in a number of years and finally got the brick laid back down in the area between patio and back yard which were moved when we had plumbing problems over a year ago. I have help most of the time with this--James, the 19 year old with serious learning disabilities, is such a willing hand one needs to be careful not to over work him. I know he puts 300 miles on his feet a day walking to get things for us, do things for us and checking on us.
All in all, we are doing reasonably well for a blended family.
As I began to recoup from the long illness, son reunited with his first love, whose husband died during the time of my illness. She came to visit during the Thanksgiving holidays. Robby had left his live in and moved into the shed/apt; TA has pretty much been here since. She is in the process of selling her house now, awaiting some money from the death of her mother and a wreck she & her late husband were in, plus getting all of her teeth pulled. Along with all these things, she helps at the nursery.
I continued to struggle along with no breath and no energy until finally my doctor sent me to a pulmonary doctor. Finally, after various tests he determined I have atypical TB, non contagious, but damaging to the lungs nonetheless. I now await word on what treatment will best treat my particular infection.
Stacie has been on a tear with the girls, especially Ana. Ana handled her stress by cutting her arm--not inside the wrist for suicide, but on top for release of pain. Stacie did make Ana an appointment with the local mental health and she had her intake last Tuesday. It was suggested she begin seeing a counselor at the local office in town. I don't know if Stacie has made that appointment or not.
Robby has been out of town working with a clean up crew on the areas affected by the tornadoes. While gone he went out to some bar one night, upset TA and did only he and God knows. On Wednesday I took her to Hammond to her dentist who pulled the remaining 18 teeth she had, plus picked Robby up from the yard--they had come in for a few days. On Thursday they went to TA's to clean up, on Friday they returned to finish the cleaning and to pick up Robby's check. When they came in around 8 Friday night, Robby dropped them--TA and James off, then left saying he was going to a neighbors and then maybe over to the shed. He came in around 3 Saturday morning.
TA chewed him out. When he came to the nursery around 8 Saturday morning he asked if he had any ass left. I said no and you don't need any, you were off in a truck that technically belongs to your aunt, with no license, not to mention not treating your woman right. I do intend to share with him my intentions--if he ever leaves here in any vehicle registered in our name after having drank any beer I will call the law. I choose to not tolerate that behavior any longer. I think he believes because he has moved TA up here, lock, stock and kids, we won't run him off. He needs to change his belief because mom will.
There has been a lot of adjusting here, but for the most part I have handled it. I wish I had more room so things weren't so piled up--example James sleeps on the sofa bed in the living room and it is a mess--but right now there is no other choice. TA will get her own place one day hopefully and they can move out of my digs/living room/etc. They are a lot of help though.
On the up side, we have built a new flower bed, working on cleaning out the existing ones, even cleaned out one that hasn't been cleaned in a number of years and finally got the brick laid back down in the area between patio and back yard which were moved when we had plumbing problems over a year ago. I have help most of the time with this--James, the 19 year old with serious learning disabilities, is such a willing hand one needs to be careful not to over work him. I know he puts 300 miles on his feet a day walking to get things for us, do things for us and checking on us.
All in all, we are doing reasonably well for a blended family.
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