Ahh, this looks like the place I could call home, he thought as he wandered into the yard of Robert and Judy’s home. Finding a nice comfy spot beneath the sycamore tree he lay down and rested, weary from his long journey.
He awoke the next morning when the sound of Robert’s footsteps startled him from the dream he was having—a dream of love, food a plenty and safety. Yet, unfamiliar with the man who approached him, he jumped up and ran some distance away. He wasn’t taking any chances that this man would run him off like so many others had done.
Yet there was something about this place, this man that tugged at the heartstrings of Buddy—a small dog of unidentified background. So he hung around, slowly making friends with the man and his wife. Soon he was comfy enough to enter the home and within the walls of the brick abode he found a warm lap to nap in, soft couch to rest upon and kindness even when he gathered up Robert’s shoes and lovingly deposited them on the huge bed his new master occupied at night.
Before long he was an integral part of the family, introduced to visiting family and friends, tended by the neighbor when Robert and Judy had to leave and happy as any dog could be in the safe haven he now called home.
But one weekend his new owners invited him to go away with them. Wow, what a treat. He would get to ride in the big, long shiny house they pulled from the shed from time to time and drove away in, returning a few days later. So with much excitement he jumped inside the big, little house on wheels and prepared for his new adventure by checking the whole place out from one end to the other.
On one of his investigative trips he was coming down the steps from the bed/bath area into the living/kitchen area when Robert rounded a curve a bit too fast. Buddy lost his footing and slid on his belly all the way across the floor up to where the two big seats were sitting right near the huge front window. Everyone laughed but Buddy. He didn’t find amusing at all. After all it rather burned his belly and ruffled his pride. Embarrassment caused him to find a spot out of the way and hide his face for a while.
But soon they arrived at their destination. Yes! He thought, finally. I was about to pop. Out the door he scurried and hiking his leg he did what dogs do, first on this tree, then that tree, oh yeah, and that one too. Who would have thought that one little dog could hold so much water.
Wow, Buddy thought as he looked around, checking out the new digs. Lots of open spaces, Plenty of trees to hike on……but what were those little furry things? He cocked his head and he surveyed the cats and they stared right back at him. Hmmm, Buddy thought. They aren’t like me, I might best leave them alone. Turning his attention away he set about learning his way around.
By late evening he was feeling almost at home here. He was feeling comfortable enough to approach one of the cats to check her out. Sniff, sniff…..but it doesn’t smell right as he stuck his nose a bit too close. Splat, the cat reached out and swiped Buddy across the nose, hissing with all hair standing on end as she did so. Buddy yelped as only a frightened dog can do and ran for his master. Hmmm, he thought, I’m bigger but darn if that didn’t hurt. I think I’ll sit here in Robert’s lap and leave those things alone.
Friday morning dawned and Buddy had forgotten all about the incident with the cat the evening before. He spotted one and hunkering down he began to bark at the 3 or 4 cats who were cruising around beside the shed, having followed the girls down from their house. A couple of the cats looked his way with disdain, then went on about their business. Ruff, ruff…..Buddy barked again, bounding toward them expecting them to turn and run. The yellow tabby looked his way as if to say, “You barking at me?” Then Buddy made the fatal error of rushing the cats…..they all bowed up, tails in the air, ears pointed, hissing and preparing to scratch. That’s all it took to send Buddy yelping back toward the patio and the safety of Robert’s lap.
The rest of his visit was much more pleasant. He decided that apart from being anti-social, he simply didn’t have the time to fool with them; he’d rather play with the girls, and get his picture taken at which he had to come see each one as soon as it was snapped.
I liked Buddy and hope he comes back to visit.
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