Monday, August 24, 2009
Stacie and I met with Mr. Boyd, principal of Salem School where Shandi Rogers attends 3rd grade. Shandi’s disability case worker, Sue Cannimore suggested that we meet with the principal and enquire about the testing date for Shandi to receive special services for her learning disability.
Mr. Boyd had not heard anything from the SPED department concerning any testing date for Shandi.
He called Mr. Danny McCallum, Supt. Of Ed. For the Walthall School District and handed me the phone. I asked Mr. McCallum if he knew when the date was set for Shandi’s testing because there are permission papers to be signed by the parent before testing can begin. He had no knowledge of this testing but did assure me he would call the SPED department and speak with Ms. Cherry Smith to try and determine what the date would be. He assured me someone would be in touch with me shortly.
While at school I spoke with Shandi’s 1st grade teacher, Allison Stringer. The paperwork from Shandi’s 17 week evaluation which was done the last weeks of her first grade could not be found at the TST meeting held on August 27, 2008 at Salem School. Even though I called the State Dept. of Ed and complained and they at least went far enough to not make Shandi go through another 17 weeks of evaluation, her original work was never located. Apparently Pearline Downs lost it. They found ‘some’ paperwork but it was not the full original folder. I believe this hindered Shandi from getting the help she needed during the 2nd grade school year.
I also spoke with Ms. String and Shandi’s 2nd grade teacher concerning forming a network of support for concerned relatives of children with learning disabilities. They were very encouraging and felt that such a group would be very beneficial.
8:59 8/24/09
Mr. McCallum, Superintendent of Education for Walthall School District called. He had spoken with Ms. Cherry Smith, Director of SPED and Shandi’s testing date is set for Wednesday, August 26,2009. A Pevey will be doing the testing. We are to call Cherry Smith to determine if this test will be at Salem School or at the SPED department , what time and about signing the permission slip.
Stacie called SPED, then went to sign updated permission form for the testing. A Bro. Pevey, a pastor and child psychologist will perform the testing. It will be done either tomorrow, Tuesday, 8/25/09 or Wednesday, 8/26/09. The testing will include an achievement test and an ability test, according to Mrs. Etheridge, Case Manager in SPED.
I also called Salem School and informed them of the testing set for Shandi.
It turned out really good. I handed out about 11 flyers to various teachers and all were receptive. One, Karen Rushing was really excited. I knew Shandi's former teachers would be and even her teacher this year was open to the idea; so that was a God thing to print those up.
Shandi's grades in math were good, except for some reading problems. Her reading however wasn't. We didnt' expect it to be. Patricia showed us one paper where they had to write their own story. Most of it look liked random letters written down in word form, (I'll copy it for you when the papers come home tomorrow so you can see what I mean) She had made a 45 of that paper. Patricia says, "See her beautiful story? She knows every word in it even though you may not can read it, she can. She writes wonderful stories."
Honestly, Patricia must have had Shandi read it to her in order for her to know that.
She has put a little girl with Shandi to help her with her reading and patricia thinks that will help Shandi a lot.
Then we talked with Ana's teachers. Ana got her MCT2 test results and is proficient in all subjects. She aced the algebra part of it, getting 7 points out of a possible 7 points. Grammar is her worst area so we're going to start working on that.
We also talked with the counselor, Mr. Fortenberry. We explained to him the situation with Shandi, yet again. I spoke with him concerning her twice last year. One time he made the remark that if he had known about her he would have already done some checking on getting her tested verbally. I informed him that i did speak with him last year about her. He's going to look up her file tomorrow and do some checking. If he doesn't forget.
All in all it was an enjoyable time. I think the only negative part of the night was when I walked in Jocile Martin's class. She was Jocile Boyd back when we went to school and was never an outgoing type. She has only gotten worse and more bitter acting as she aged. She took one of the flyers, but she acted as though I was handing her a cobra. LOL I didn't get to see Lisa Wicker, the pastor of Salem's wife, who is one of the kindergarten teachers, but I'll catch her later.
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