Yesterday Judy asked Beth why she wasn't going home. Beth sidestepped the reason. This morning Judy called Brenda and Brenda told her why. Judy then accused Brenda of having a gambling problem too. Brenda said, "No, Judy, I don't go as often as you do, I use my own money and when I don't have the money I don't go nor do I spend as much money as you do. And I certainly don't spend someone else's money."
Judy then called mother and wanted to know why they were going behind her back to do this. She also told mother that she (mother) would be sorry for doing this.
They met with the lawyer and he has already spoke with Mother. He went to the office at the nursing home to verify that mother was in her right mind and could make these decisions. He also mentioned that he thought it would be reasonable to go after Judy to pay mother back. Terry didn't know if mother would agree to this, but as of about 10 minutes ago, the lawyer had returned to Mother's room and Terry, Beth, Mother and the lawyer were discussing the problem and what could be done to fix it.
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