Monday, February 1, 2010

allergic toes

For over a month I've had itching, burning toes; not between them, just around the nail area, at the joint area and on the bottom on one toe is a blood blister looking spot which hurts like hell when I scratch it.
About the same time I noticed my right index finger, underside right at the first joint started itching. A week ago, I spotted an enlarged knuckle on my right pinkie; the bone protrudes to the inside more than usual and then the bone area started itching.

I tried tinactin, I tried prescription anti-fungal cream, I even tried Monistat. I used Gold Bond medicated powder, wore only white socks--but my brain still wondered why my two fingers itched, they don't wear socks and why just one hand?

At times I thought I'd go nuts with the burning, itching, then maybe a day or two would pass it wouldn't bother me so bad.

Finally I went to the doc. He looked my feet over carefully and said--there is a disease called foot and hand disease that is similar to hoof and mouth disease in cows. **great**
But this looks like you may be having an allergy situation. He asked if I'd changed eating habits, clothing habits, soaps, lotions, etc. The answer to all was no.
So, he's trying me on the medpack for allergic reactions.....ya know, take 6 today, 4 tomorrow, 4 and so on until they are all gone.

He said if this didn't help, he'd send me to the local vet!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO

Seriously, he said that, but he was joking. He did say we'd investigate further if this doesn't help.

So, I say all that to say this. While taking a shower it dawned on me what my feet and hands are allergic to........the cold. If that's the case, then do you suppose my husband will pack us up and move me to a warmer climate? Do you think he would sell the nursery and let me sit inside where it's warm?
Hmm, points to ponder as we await the outcome of this situation.