We took Sharon out to eat last night and Brenda came down and went with us. There was a couple at the table next to us and the lady asked Terry if he were Kenny Rogers son. When Terry said no, she said, any kin at all? He laughed and said no. Then she asked if he sang or played any instrument, and of course he said no. She said she was hoping she had met someone famous and could take back an autograph.
I piped up and said, but our daughter married Roy Rogers the first time around. She laughed and said, for real. I said yep and if she were here, she could autograph your napkin and the folks back home would never know the difference. I asked where she was from and she came from Savannah, Georgia. She and her husband were really nice and we enjoyed talking with them.
Then today, we had the ballgames. I went up to the concession stand, which some group from Dexter handles when we play down there, to order me a burger for lunch. Just as I walked up the young girl stuck her head up to the window and started yelling really loud for the team. She finally shut up long enough to take a deep breath and without even asking me if she could help me, she started again...she yelled so loud I put my finger in my ear. Finally she shut up and I said, "I'd like to place an order if you're through screaming." She says, "you have to tell me you want to order something" I said, "Well if you hadn't been screaming so loud it hurt my ears, I could have told you I wanted to order. Besides, it's your place to ask if you can help me." She said, "I didn't know why you were standing there." I replied, "That's why you're supposed to ask if you can help the customer. So then she pops off, well, what do you want. I told her to never mind. I'd go hungry before I placed an order with her.
I went around to the back where Randy Sumrall was cooking the burgers and found out who was in charge of the stand. It's the principal of Dexter. I went back to the concession stand and got the name of the rude girl and I am going to call and report her Monday.
Then I get home and a friend from al-anon had called. We're both in a group which consists of 4 other women who have children who drink or use drugs. We're a small group, and we talk alanon and other stuff. One lady is from Alabama, she's a retired college professor, one is from Utah, she works at a college but not as a professor, another is from Ohio and she's a retired nurse and then there is Ann from Fla; also a retired nurse.
All the other 4 are left wing democrats, my alanon friend is Republican and Christian, the other 4 ladies are not 'saved Christians either. We've all enjoyed getting to know each other and even though we don't agree on everything things have gone on pretty good until the election. Then Ann, the Fla. lady, who is really passionate about politics began to make remarks such as......anyone who votes Republican has to be stupid; anyone who watchs Fox News has to be stupid or ignorant, I'm finding that all Republicans tend to be under educated, etc, etc.
Jan, my alanon friend has been very hurt by these remarks, as I have, even though I'm not totally Republican nor totally Democrat simply because I don't know enough to say which I am...Terry says I'm democrat and I say what difference does it make, I don't argue politics......anyway, the fact that Ann knew my friend was Republican and would still make these remarks upset me because she hurt my friend's feelings and I also felt attacked because I wasn't liberal in my political views so I felt that she was attacking me too.
Well, Jan had confronted Ann and Ann came back and said she didn't insult Jan and couldn't understand why she was upset. Pam, the retired professor, stated that she understood where Jan was coming from, confronted Ann with some really good questions which Ann couldn't answer honestly and then they ask me my thoughts because I've been in alanon the longest, they say, when in truth, Jan has gone longer than me.
On a lighter note, we built a fire and sat down on the ground around it, roasted weiners and marshmallows, talked and the girls had a ball. Ana even said she liked doing that much better than trick or treating, which was good. I'm full as a tick, and tired. NOw I need to go add my two cents for what it's worth to the problem in the group. Then I think I'll head to bed.